Friday, August 30, 2019

Help site for Google Classroom

I'm developing a help site for Google Classroom at CVU. Check it out here. I'll be adding to it as more questions and ideas come in.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Simplifying web pages for easier reading

Often, the clutter surrounding news articles online makes for a distracting experience.  One nice solution to this is Read & Write for Google.  I've written before about other helpful functionality of this tool; this time, let's look at "Simplify Page."  By clicking on the icon, you go from this... this:

Here's a 30-second screencast showing how it works:

 All CVSD students already have Read & Write installed.  Adults can add the extension, then see me for how to get a premium account for free.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Welcome back!

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year!
I'd love to chat with any teachers who are thinking about how they might be integrating technology in their classes this year. 
Over the next few days, I'm focusing on setting up Moodle and Google Classroom.  Please come to 118 if you need support with either (or both) of these.
I also wanted to share my resources from the Screencasting bucket session.  Screencasting is a great way to provide video instruction to students and for students to show their learning. Here's a simple document to get you started, with a link to a video on the process, as well.