Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Introducing Moodle 2

Dear teachers and students,

Welcome to Moodle 2 at CVU!  

This first post is directed to teachers who want to start working on their courses.  Here is what you need to know about what's changed.  Please note that this will also be covered in the August in-service days:
(click on screenshots to enlarge)
  1. You still turn editing on and off by clicking on the upper right.  Turn editing on in order to add resources and activities to the course. 
  2. You will notice an improved interface for adding activities and resources.  For one thing, you don't need to know in advance whether what you want is an activity or resource.  Just click on any of the choices for a description of it.
  3. You can now simply drag and drop a file into the Moodle course!
  4. You can now move activities and resource by clicking on the 4-pointed arrow tool and dragging and dropping.
  5. Moodle now has expandable and collapsible menus.  Clicking on a right-pointing triangle will expand to more choices; clicking on an upward-pointing triangle collapses.  This works in navigation as well as the editor.
  6. In Moodle 1, the "Administration" block (where you enrolled students, changed settings for the course, looked at reports, etc.) was static.  In Moodle 2, this block changes based on the context.  For example, if you are editing an assignment or resource, the Administration block will contain items specific to that.  You can always click on "Course Administration" to get back to the normal block.
  7. Moodle no longer has a file repository for each course.  You will see your old files in a folder called "Legacy Files" if you had your course restored.  However, going forward, when you upload a file, it is available to you everywhere (not just in that course).

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