Monday, March 31, 2014

Google Plus for Professional Development

Curious about Google Plus? Last week, I was sending out some resources and realized that they all came from Google Plus (one from a mathematics community I belong to, another from a Vermont educator I follow, etc.).  So I decided to do a screencast.

 I find Google + to be an excellent tool for professional development.  Why is this?

  1. Many educators use Google Plus for professional purposes, because they already have Facebook for personal stuff like vacation pics and videos of kittens.
  2. Unlike Facebook, Google Plus allows you to easily choose who sees what.  You can also join communities that are dedicated to specific topics (such as pedagogy or your content area).

I made the screencast to give you a short tour and show you what it's all about.  I'd also be happy to show you one-on-one.

Note that you will need to logged into CVU GMail or Moodle to view this.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dynamic Landscapes 2014

Registration is now open for Dynamic Landscapes 2014.  This is the Ed Tech Conference sponsored by VITA-Learn and VSLA.  This year has more of a "maker" theme.
Check it out here.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

SOLEs (Student Organized Learning Experiences) at School in the Cloud

Here's a lesson plan design called SOLE.  It's about asking a "big question" then staying out of the way as students tackle it.  The review session at the end pulls it all together.  Check it out at School in the Cloud.

What makes a good Big Question? from School in the Cloud on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Khan Academy SAT prep course

Dear students,
You've probably heard of Khan Academy (instructional videos on all kinds of topics).  And pretty definitely heard of the SAT.  These two have come together on a free SAT prep course. Check it out here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Google Docs introduces add-ons!

Do you wish you could track changes in Google Docs like you can in Word?  Would you like the ability to add voice comments to a Google Doc?  Or write music inside the doc?

Now you can.  Google Docs has introduced add-ons.  Next time you have a (text) document open in Drive, look for the new menu.  Check out the options.  I'd recommend starting with Kaizena and Track Changes.  I'd love to know what people find.  Please share!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Using Google Maps/Earth in the classroom

There are lots of great applications for Google Maps/Earth in the classroom.  Science classes can plan out natural areas (check out the CVU example below), English classes can go on "lit trips" (seeing the actual places described in a novel), math classes can explore the geometry of the "real world," etc.
Richard Byrne-- the author of the amazing Free Technology for Teachers blog-- has posted several helpful resources in a recent post.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Moodle e-mail settings for students and teachers

Dear students and teachers,
Here are instructions for setting up Moodle so that you get the forum e-mails you need and don't get the ones you don't.

STUDENT VIDEO (note: you must be logged into CVU Gmail or Moodle to view):


FACULTY VIDEO (note: you must be logged into CVU Gmail or Moodle to view):


3/3/14 Faculty Meeting

Dear teachers,
Here is the presentation from the faculty meeting yesterday for you review. Please note that you need to be signed into your CVU GMail (or Moodle) to view the presentation: