Here are some offerings from UVM. The second is taught by Bonnie Birdsall (tech integrationist at Williston) ad the last by the wonderful Lucie DeLaruere.
Curriculum & Instruction: Ed Tech Courses
EDCI 321 Curriculum & Instruction: Learning, Design & Technology (Summer 2017)
This online course explores learning-theory research and its applications for technology-enriched standards-based units of study. Students will study theories of constructivism, multiple intelligences, and research related to how people learn. Participants will learn how technology applications can be used to create learning environments that strengthen 21st century problem-solving skills, and encourage communication, collaboration, and reflection. Using the instructional design strategies explored in this course, participants will develop a standards-based unit of study that strategically integrates technology and meets 21st century skills along with national and state educational technology standards and assessments.
EDCI 324 Current Topics in Assessment & Technology (Summer 2017)
This course investigates current topics of assessment & technology, including many tenets of proficiency-based learning. Students will examine different forms of assessment and methods for integrating technology into assessment practice. We will explore and evaluate a variety of digital tools for summative and formative assessment. Students will interact as an online community, modeling how feedback and reflection play an integral part of the assessment process and will also maintain a digital portfolio for the class. As a final project students will create a unit of study, incorporating learning targets developed from the ISTE standards and other content standards, integrating digital tools for assessment, and demonstrating mastery of other course objectives.
EDCI 322 Differentiated Instruction with Technology (Fall 2017)
This course explores ways that educators can address the diverse strengths and needs of students in today’s classrooms by developing and utilizing a instructional framework based on current information and practice related to differentiating instruction and universal design for learning. A focus of the course will be the use of existing and emerging technologies to assist and support the success of all students, including students with disabilities.
EDCI 323 Amplifying Inquiry & Project Based Learning with Technology (Fall 2017)
This course engages educators in a student centered, active learning experience using technology resources and tools to promote questioning, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Educators will learn about technology resources & tools that support problem based, project based, and inquiry based learning in all disciplines and design a project or inquiry based activity with assessments for the students (or teachers) they teach.