Sunday, September 8, 2013

Moodle MOOC

CVU's upgrade to Moodle 2.5 has sparked interest among teachers in doing more with their pages.  There are lots of resources for learning how to do more with Moodle, including and yours truly.  Now there's a MOOC (massive open online course).  The course actually started Sept 1, but it's not too late to jump in.

Good reasons to try the MOOC:
  1. You'll learn Moodle in an actual Moodle course, giving you the student experience.
  2. You'll get to try a MOOC,  which is a big trend in education (the New York Times called 2012 the "year of the MOOC" and more and more universities-- including Princeton, Stanford, and MIT-- are implementing them).
  3. You'll be interacting with teachers from around the world, developing your PLN (professional learning network).
  4. There's no commitment.  Take as much or little from it as you want.
Here's the kick-off:

Interested?  Check it out at

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