Friday, May 9, 2014

Using Shared Folders in Google Drive

How can I create a folder that all students in my class can access (and contribute to)?

(note-- after writing this post, it dawned on me that I had already written a very similar post back in October! I'm posting this one, anyway, as it has more detailed step-by-step, but here's a link to the older post-- which includes a screencast and a link to GClassFolders, a more sophisticated tool for creating shared folders in Drive).

This is easy to do in Google Drive.  Once you create and share the folder, any files added to the folder are shared, as well.

To do this:

1. Go to Google Drive, click Create... Folder
Inline image 1

2. Name it
Inline image 2

3. Once the folder is created, find it in My Drive, click on it, and click the Share icon (the person with the + sign).
Inline image 3

4. In the screen that pops up, you have two options:

  • If you want the folder to be visible to your students, you can change Private to Anyone with the link.  Then just provide the link to your students (for example, on your Moodle page).
  • If you want to invite only your students and/or allow students to add files to the folder, paste in their e-mail addresses where it says Invite people.  
Inline image 4

  • You can tell which folders are shared by the person inside the folder icon.

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