Monday, January 25, 2016

Recording voice

Technology integration doesn't have to be overly complex to be effective.  Here's a simple idea that can be very powerful-- ask students to share something in a voice recording.  This might be their reaction to some reading or explaining a concept in their own words.  Think of how what you get might compare to what they would write.

image from

How is this done?

To record:
  1. For students with smartphones, use the built in voice memo app (or try one of the many free apps available for iOS or Android).
  2. For students with laptops, use the built in microphone to record to TwistedWave (web app) or Audacity (installed app).
  3. Other students can borrow a handheld digital recorder or a mic to connect to a computer (from 118).  
To share:
  1. Smartphones-- install the Google Drive app (for iOS). Share the audio file to Google Drive
  2. TwistedWave-- File..Send..Google Drive
  3. Audacity-- save as mp3, then upload to Google Drive
  4. Once in Drive, share the file just as you would a Google Doc.
  5. The audio will play inside Google Drive.
Here's a screencast on using TwistedWave and sharing from Google Drive:

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