Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Printing Class Lists new for 2016-17

As we start a new school year, you may want a printed roster of your students.  In an older post, I described how to do this in different ways.  We are no longer able to use GradeQuick, however Moodle, MMS and JumpRope all have the capability.

Here's how to do it in JumpRope, which is the quickest method, but is less flexible than the Moodle method below:

  1. Click the Courses tab
  2. Choose the course
  3. Choose Print Roster from the pull-down menu.

This will produce a pdf file of your roster, with 5 blank columns for recording data.  You can create more columns the old-fashioned way (i.e., using a pen and a ruler).

Here's how to do it in Moodle, which is a few more clicks but allows you more control.

  1. Open your class page.
  2. Click "Grades" in the Administration block.
  3. If you have your class set up in groups, you can choose just the group desired, or all participants.
  4. From the "Choose an action" drop-down list, Choose "Export -- Excel" (you may have to scroll to see it).  See 1st pic below.
  5. If you wish, you can specify exactly what data is exported, but it's easiest to just hit "Submit," then "Download."
  6. Open in Excel or Google Sheets, then delete columns that you don't need (you can also add/delete students)
  7. On the top row, go over to the last column that you would like to print and enter any character in that cell 
  8. When printing the spreadsheet, choose "Show Gridlines." It will print a grid up to the column you specified in the step above.

In Excel or Google Sheets

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