Saturday, September 29, 2018

Making connections

One of the most transformative learning experiences that technology can afford is connecting to others outside of the classroom. This might be an expert on a topic talking to students from their location or another classroom in Vermont (or across the world).  Also, there are also many institutions (NASA, art museums, etc.) that offer streaming events for classrooms.

Here at CVU, we've recently had classes talking with Senator Sanders and Representative Welch, students in Uganda and Denmark, and local experts in the areas of business, coding, and more.

Let's make more of these kinds of connections at CVU.  The technology has become easier to use.  Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Skype are three great options.  I'm happy to do that end of it and/or assist in finding others to connect to.

The biggest challenge tends to be timing-- particularly when time zones are different.  But the effort is worth it.

Interested? Let's talk!

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