Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What to do when a web app isn't working

We've all run into those situations where a web app stops working.  Maybe it's not responding to mouse clicks, or it's just "spinning" or in some other way not performing how it should.

I was just chatting with Nick in IT about this, and here's a set of steps we recommend taking.  Do these in the order listed (i.e., start with #1).  If you get to the end of the list (or to the point of frustration!), it's time to get help.
Image from terimakasih0 at

  1. Exit (close) the app and then reopen it (note: if you've entered a big chunk of text that you're not sure saved, first copy it and paste it somewhere safe).
  2. Close the browser (e.g., Chrome) and restart.
  3. Update the browser. Like any software, browsers like Chrome need frequent updates.  Here's how to update Chrome. And here's Firefox.
  4. Shut down and restart your device.
  5. If you are on a device with multiple browsers, try a different browser (e.g., switch from Chrome to Firefox).
  6. If none of the above solves the problem, see IT.

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